Around the Web
In this section I'll be adding content and links related to interviews, workshops or videos that I've been a part of on different websites over the years.
Daily Deviation (deviantART) on April 7th, 2019, for Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon S) Costume Photo
Acy's Pick of the Month (American Cosplay Paradise) - November 2012
Daily Deviation (deviantART) on October 12th, 2012, for Sam (Trick 'r Treat) Costume Photo
Daily Deviation (deviantART) on March 31st, 2012, for Heather (Silent Hill 3) Costume Photo
CBR - Comic Book Resources: 10 Princess Peach Cosplay That Rule The Mushroom Kingdom List for Tennis Princess Peach (Mario Tennis Open) Costume - March 5th, 2020
CBR - Comic Book Resources Dragon Ball: 10 Amazing Bulma Cosplays That Look Just Like The Anime List for Bulma (Dragon Ball Super) Costume - December 19th, 2019
CBR - Comic Book Resources Sailor Moon: 10 Sailor Scout Cosplay Groups Straight From The Anime List for Eternal Sailor Saturn Costume - October 6th, 2019
Screenrant's "10 Best Horror Movie Cosplays That Terrify Us" List for Sam (Trick 'r Treat) Costume - September 25th, 2019
Trick 'r Treat Official Facebook Page Featured Fan Profile (Sam Costume) - June 2014
Comics Alliance Best Cosplay Ever This Week for Princess Peach from Super Mario Bros. - April 14th, 2014
Popcorn Horror Sam from Trick 'r Treat Costume Feature
Bloody Disgusting Freaky Fashion Sam from Trick 'r Treat Costume Feature
Comics Alliance Best Cosplay Ever This Week for Bulma from Dragon Ball - January 14th, 2013
Written Interviews/Workshops:
The Silent Hill Office of Tourism - Silent Hill Cosplay Q & A Interview - 2010
The Silent Hill Office of Tourism - Lisa Costume Tutorial
The Silent Hill Office of Tourism - Alessa Costume Tutorial
YetiCon 2022 Fanvideo - Same Day Edit by Acksonl(Costume: Pink Inkling Kid - Splatoon)
YetiCon 2022 Hangout Video By DanVideoNinja (Costumes: Alice - Alice in Wonderland & Pink Inkling Kid - Splatoon)
Official Orphea Cosplay BlizzCon 2018 Behind the Scenes Video (Costume by Henchmen Studios & I was the model)
Silent Hill Themed Cosplay Interview with the MixerBlueShow - October 17th, 2018 (Costume: Lisa Garland - Silent Hill)
Cyorii's Katy Perry - Roar - Cosplay Lip Dub Music Video - Otakuthon 2013 - (Costume: Sailor Saturn - Sailor Moon S
EleventhPhotograph's Opa Youmacon Style (Youmacon 2012) Video - (Costume: Sherry Birkin - Resident Evil 6)
EleventhPhotograph's Con-G 2012 Documentary - Cosplay Interview (as Shinku from Rozen Maiden)
EleventhPhotograph's Resident Evil Mercenaries Video (Shot at Youmacon 2011) - (Costume: Nurse Rebecca - Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D)
EleventhPhotograph's Youmacon 2011 FunVid - (Costume: Shinku - Rozen Maiden)
"This Isn't Hogwarts" - Cosplay Fan Video by Mai Sheri and Mottaboy66 (Costume: Harry Potter)
Published Works:
Years of Cosplay Photography softcover book by Mike Kowalek
(Includes photos of my Harry Potter, Snow White, Rebecca Chambers Lolita Nurse, Sailor Saturn, Princess Peach and Shinku costumes)