Costumes In Progress

Wendy Darling - Peter Pan
To be Completed For: 2024
Cost: $80
Status: 5% complete

Several years ago, my friend Ammie surprised me with a Wendy costume as a Christmas present. I only got to wear it once and I thought it was so pretty. Unfortunately, I outgrew the costume and couldn't wear it again. Since I liked how the costume looked so much, I decided to remake the costume myself. Should be a somewhat simple project and I'm hoping to make it in the next couple of years.

R. Dorothy Wayneright - The Big O
To be Completed For: Spring 2022
Cost: $183
Status: 100% complete

Dorothy as a character is someone that I've wanted to Cosplay for nearly my whole Cosplay career. The Big O was one of the first Anime I watched once I got into going to conventions. The first few episodes were screening at the 2001 Canadian National Anime Expo (what Fan Expo was called back then) and I watched all the episodes they were showing at the con. The Big O is one of my favourite Anime because it has such an interesting vibe. I wanted to Cosplay Dorothy back then, but I really didn't want to paint my skin white to match her design. Now 20 years later, I figured since I'm pale why not just portray her without white makeup. I've been enjoying making nostalgic costumes these last few years so it seemed like a fun project. Her design is fairly straightforward so I'm hoping it'll be easy to make over the winter into the spring of 2022. Not sure if I'll be back at cons and such next year, but I think Cosplaying Dorothy will be really interesting. Hopefully there are still a few old-timers out there that might recognize the costume as the series is pretty obscure these days!
